Laser Dentistry for painless treatments

Laser dedicated dental practiceLasers are an advanced wave of technology to come to dentistry. We aim to use our lasers to provide you with the most comfortable dentistry possible every time you visit. Lasers are non-invasive, quiet (so no drilling sound) and have no vibration like a conventional drill. There is a great reduction in postoperative discomfort, it encourages faster healing and ultimately less swelling. Lasers can also be used to treat periodontal problems, gum contouring, endodontics, implant recovery, fissure sealants, preparations and much more.

We are very experienced and passionate about laser dentistry as it is a technology that has allowed us to significantly reduce the amount of local anaesthetic used with our patients due to the reduced amount of pain incurred with the laser hence is very patient friendly.

Teeth Whitening

Enhance your smileAnother very popular use of lasers in dentistry is for teeth whitening. Everyday life takes its toll on our teeth, drinking too much tea and coffee, smoking or even eating strong coloured foods can stain and discolour them. Tooth whitening is an easy way to have a beautiful white smile that makes you feel more confident. We offer both take home whitening kits and in-chair laser whitening. This process takes approximately one hour with the use of a laser light to activate the whitening gel for more enhanced results. The process is safe, fast and you will see the results immediately.

Lasers sound scary. Are they safe?

In the hands of your trained dentist, the laser is as safe as other medical devices. With it’s 2mm active range from the tip, the laser provides pinpoint accuracy, reducing the chance of causing damage to healthy tissues. The primary safety measure necessary during laser treatment is correct protective glasses.

Comfortable laser surgeryDr. Arun and Rita Darbar have been using lasers in dentistry for over 20 years and lecture all around the world on the subject. Additionally, they hold their own “Lets Talk Lasers” hands-on seminars for their colleagues at prestigious dental conferences/meetings such as the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, World Clinical Institute of Lasers, the Academy of Laser Dentistry and private one-on-one sessions.

We are one of very few totally laser dedicated dental practices in the country.

Laser Dentistry Case Study

Case study

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