Implant and Restorative case study

PhotoI was born in post war London to a working class family where fussing over your teeth was definitely not a priority. Both my parents acquired full sets of false teeth in their forties. I always had wonky teeth and over the years I always smiled with my mouth closed&helip; However, I hadn’t realised that wonky teeth are probably unhealthy teeth as they are so difficult to clean. And that is why I finally came to Arun Darbar, who had a mammoth task to sort out the problems that had built up. In the course of trying to ensure my teeth and gums were healthy, he also introduced me to the procedures that were available to make them look better as well.

I have to say that, looking back, it is somewhat of a mystery to me why I kept going. But I think it was because of the absolute trust and faith I had in Arun that he could deliver on his promises. The lure of a great smile kept me going… After that everyone was treated to the Darbar smile. In our house, when we see someone on TV with dodgy teeth, we always say (paraphrasing the Specsavers ad) “they should have gone to Darbar’s!” You see, Arun isn’t just a dentist with great skills; he’s also an artist, creating from his vision.

– T Dinn

This patient was a dental phobic when we first saw her and opted to have minimum treatment, and compromised gum condition and eventually lost the upper right central incisor and the lateral was moved with braces to its position but with guarded prognosis, but relieved the crowding and better oral hygiene was possible.

The UR lateral eventually failed and was replaced by and implant and bone graft and more acceptable aesthetics was possible with crowns and veneers and direct composite veneers on upper front teeth disguising the canine as an incisor and so forth. The patient really wanted minimum amount of work with due to limited finances and inbuilt dental phobia. The result obtained was reasonable, but the patient is very delighted with it and maintains the oral hygiene well.

Before After

Before After

Before After

Before After





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